The Board of Administration of CLCCL was pleased to invite the CLCCL members to attend the Ordinary General Assembly and the Extraordinary General Assembly which was convened on Thursday 18 June 2015 respectively at 7.30 pm and 8.30 pm at the CLCCL Head Quarter, Lycée Ermesinde in Mersch, Salle B.1.61.
The bureau validated the assemblies and the votes. The bureau checked that the convening included the agendas and power of attorney. Every documents were translated in Chinese and English, and were published in due time in conformity with the law. The convening were also sent individually and published on different medias (website, FB and twitter).
The following agendas were respected:
the OGA in English and in Chinese here: AG Ordinaire, Chinese version AG
the EGA in English and in Chinese here: AG Extraordinaire , Chinese version AE
After deliberation, the Ordinary General Assembly voted and adopted the following resolutions :
- approbation of the “comptes annuels au 31.12.2014″
- “décharge est donnée aux administrateurs et au Commissaire aux comptes pour l’exercice de leurs mandats pendant l’année sous revue.”
- the general assembly validated the nomination of Mr. E. Micha as administrator.
- the fee for the saison 2015-2016 is 25 euros per member.
- the subscription fee for the school is fixed (see the table under subscription).
After deliberation, the Extraordinary General Assembly voted and adopted the resolution of point 13 of the Statut regarding the modification and the “refonte” of the Statut presented and detailed to the members (see agenda).